Kids Can Help 2: Our Story

Kids Can Help 2 is a nonprofit organization that functions as a philanthropy and children's fundraising entity that focuses on broadening the social consciousness and encourage diversity and inclusion in children. We serve as a liaison between schools, education centers, hospitals and community entities to connect children with experiences that benefit the broader world.  The children have opportunities to connect with and help those who are less fortunate than them while they learn about financial literacy.

Kids Can Help 2 Campaign examples:

  • Alzheimer’s And Brain Awareness
  • American Heart Association
  • Autism Awareness
  • Breast Cancer Awareness
  • Bullying/ Cyber-Bullying
  • Childhood Cancers
  • Children’s Mental Health
  • Cyber Security
  • Earth Day
  • Guardian Angel Program
  • Healthy Weight Awareness
  • Heritage Months
  • Leukemia/Lymphoma
  • Prescription Programs
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Transportation Assistance

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